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New in Cinema Cameras: BURANO, RED, and More

🌐 ISE Products, Sony's Torchlight Program

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February is just getting started and a lot of products are shipping. Strada yesterday. Apple Vision Pro today. Sony’s new BURANO next week.

We’ve got news (and tutorials) on the latter - along with more camera updates, some new products at ISE, and a breakdown of Sony’s new Torchlight program.

Plus some new behind-the-scenes shots from Masters of the Air

Let’s jump into it!


BURANO, RED, and More Camera Updates

Sony’s BURANO & Ci Media Cloud

Last week the first two Sony BURANO tutorials were published. Now there are two more from Alister Chapman - one covering lenses, stabilization, and variable ND, the other covering Fast Hybrid AF.

There’s also more information on the BURANO’s recording times and formats.

The BURANO is scheduled to start shipping Feb 9.

Also new from Sony’s Ci Media Cloud - they launched a larger business plan targeting enterprise customers, support for Dolby Atmos, and a new desktop app called Ci Transfer for high-speed file transfers.

RED V-Raptor

RED Digital Cinema has announced new 8K global shutter cameras, the V-Raptor [X] and larger V-Raptor XL [X], which build upon the features of the previous V-Raptor models with an improved 8K sensor and the addition of RED Global Vision.

Global Vision enables extended highlight detail retrieval and phantom track dual capture for virtual production. The cameras offer high resolution, high frame rates, and dynamic ranges over 20 stops.

Here’s RED’s explanation of their new extended highlights:

Extended Highlights is a beta feature designed to capture more color and detail in the extremely bright portions of your image. It uses multiple exposures to reconstruct previously clipped detail in the most faithful way possible. There are no adjustments or levers for the Extended Highlight process, it is simply an On or Off feature…

Phantom Track dual-capture enables the capture of separate R3D files when using technology like GhostFrame or frame-remapping to capture multiple backgrounds on an LED wall.

Also from RED - they’ve teamed up with ARRI to create a special edition run of RED Raptor XLs for use on the upcoming TRON film. The ARRI collab is to use ARRI’s DNA lenses on the Raptor.

Mo-Sys’ Lens File Library

Camera tracker Mo-Sys is making its lens file library freely available to customers.

Each lens has its own unique properties and replicating that within the virtual camera is crucial for believable results. Traditionally, this required starting with a paid library lens file and then painstakingly tweaking it to match the real-world lens being used. Now, we’re removing that barrier to entry.

Michael Geissler, Mo-Sys CEO

Closing Octopus 🐙

As a closer, OCTPOPUS16 teased some new footage of their pocket-sized, super 16 cinema camera for under $1000.


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LED Displays at ISE

ISE is wrapping up today. Here’s what popped on our radar for virtual production (mostly display tech):


VP Gigs

Unreal FX Artists
WildBrain Studios


We had a blurb about Sony’s new Torchlight program in the last VP Land. We’ve got a bit more info about the program, including the new promo video above.

Torchlight is part Sony brand campaign, part experimental studio space.

For the campaign part, the full campaign is titled Beyond The Screen: Torchlight’s Space for Creativity, with a campaign website and plans to release BTS videos on YouTube and social.

The actual Torchlight facility is at Sony’s studio in Culver City and was created in partnership with Epic Games. It features Sony technology such as VENICE cameras and their mocopi mocap tech.

As part of Sony's mission to "become a brand chosen by creators," Torchlight offers a space for filmmakers and creators to play with their ideas and find new ways to tell stories using its state-of-the-art advanced visualization facility and workflow.

A lot of the projects demoed in the video revolved around pre-viz and virtual location scouts. A full LED volume wasn’t shown in the video but perhaps that will come as Sony’s VERONA LED displays have been front and center by Sony at a variety of recent tradeshows.


🌐 Around the Web

🏜️ AI scene generator Cuebric announced a new pricing plan: $15 a month, unlimited AI generations. Also, Cuebric’s co-creator, Pinar Demirdag, launched her second AI course on LinkedIn.

🕵🏼‍♂️ Which one's real: Nordisk Film Shortcut posted a side-by-side comparison of the same scene shot on location vs shot in an LED volume.

🔀 Strada officially launched their private beta - check out the live announcement video and demo. Also, check out our in-depth conversation with CEO Michael Cioni on Strada and AI workflows.

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🎬 If you didn’t get enough BTS posts in our last newsletter, well we’ve got more!

Union VFX posted their 'Poor Things' VFX breakdown reel.

And John Orloff, one of the writers on Master of the Air, posted some set shots and video of the virtual production setup for filming inside the planes (notice the virtual wings projected on the wall).

🎥 Eliot Fitzroy from Filmic joins The One LUT - releases their first LUT for LOG video from the iPhone 15 Pro to match the cinematic look of the ARRI Alexa.

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