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  • Filming Multiple Realities with GhostFrame

Filming Multiple Realities with GhostFrame

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Multiple Realities with GhostFrame

Source: VideoBrand

GhostFrame, an innovative production tool, allows hiding video content within LED walls, invisible to the naked eye but visible through a camera. This opens up a range of applications across sectors, especially in virtual production, live broadcasts, live events, and esports.

  • The technology can project multiple images at once, providing a platform to record several scenes in one take. This results in significant time-saving in production processes, such as car commercials, where day and night scenes can be filmed simultaneously.

  • GhostFrame also allows different lighting for each scene, offering more flexibility and control during production. The technology works by using the camera's shutter capability to delineate distinct subframes and ensure clean, bleed-free frames.

  • Fox Sports and Valve have already utilized GhostFrame for their NFL studio analysis and esports events, respectively, demonstrating its real-world applications in broadcast environments.

  • At NAB, GhostFrame was being used at the Disguise and ROE Visual booths and demos.

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