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  • Unity's Virtual Production Tools Go Open Source

Unity's Virtual Production Tools Go Open Source

Unity Technologies has officially open-sourced packages from its Virtual Production beta program, signaling a strategic move to provide industry professionals with greater adaptability and flexibility in applying their engine across diverse scenarios.

  • Open-Sourcing for Versatility: Unity Technologies releases packages from its Virtual Production beta program on public GitHub repositories, emphasizing the industry's need for flexibility in deploying the engine across varied scenarios.

  • Adaptability is Key: The decision to open-source these packages allows users to freely adapt and apply the technology to any production scenario, reflecting the dynamic nature of the film industry.

  • No Maintenance Commitment: Unity Technologies issues a disclaimer that the packages are provided "as is" with no commitment to maintenance or a release plan. Users are advised that the company won't monitor bug reports, accept feature requests, or review pull requests for these packages.

  • Live Capture Update: While the Live Capture package was previously released and available in the Unity Editor, the company clarifies that only critical bugs will be addressed, with no further feature development planned.

Packages and Repositories

Check out Unity Technologiesā€™ official announcement.


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